The ending of an era

Created by Anne 11 months ago

We heard from Judith of Patrick’s passing.  Of course, this makes us feel sad.  It is the ending of an era that began with that glorious summer we spent together in Menlo Park in 1992.  I don’t think we have ever had another summer as much fun as that one was.  What a fortunate coincidence that our houses were adjacent to one another.  We had various visits with Patrick later, including one in Austin where he stayed with us while studying with a colleague from San Antonio.  We still have his book “A Dictionary of Surnames” with Flavia Hodges, and Patrick helped me with information about the origins of the name “Maidment” when I and my cousins wrote a book “Maidment Family Stories” in 2013.  I remember vividly the ramble Patrick and I took in the English countryside when we were supposed to be at a village by 6PM where Julie would pick us up, and we had many adventures to get there by that time.  Patrick had a larger than life personality and left a legacy through his studies in lexicography.  He had also an impish sense of humor that was almost child-like.  It was a privilege to have known him.  He added light to our lives.

David M.

(08 Feb. 24)